We have officially decided to move! Reed doesn't have a for sure job yet, but a lot of leads, so we are going to take a big leap of faith and move out there. Reed will leave, driving the moving truck, on 27th of October and then Kason and I will leave probably the thirtieth. We will stay with Grammy and Grammpy Sloat until we find someplace to live and while Reed finds a job. We are very excited!
Here are a few newer pictures of our beautiful little boy. Kason is doing great. He Is getting big. We think, based on our own measurements (this means weighing ourselves on the scale while holding him and then without him and taking the difference) that he now weighs about 13.5 lbs. We haven't measured him for a while, but he seems to mostly grow chubbier, not taller. He loves sleeping on his stomach and looking upside down. He looks more and more like his dad every day, it's so fun to see.
We had a very exciting thing happen on Sunday - Kason rolled over! He was playing on his stomach and we were trying to get him to turn his head by laying on the side that he wasn't looking and saying his name and talking to him and he just rolled over. It was amazing. He hasn't done it since, so we are wondering if it was kind of a fluke, but we are still working with him. He's so fun to watch and even smiles every once in a while.
Our second anniversary is coming up this sunday (Sept. 28th). I can't believe it has been two years already! It some ways that doesn't seen long enough to have experienced all we've experienced and grown together as much as we have, but in other ways it seems like I have been Reed's wife forever - I can't remember what it was like without him. We have had a great marriage so far. Lots of fun and adventures between going to Virginia for the summer and having our sweet little baby. Some hard times, but nothing we can't handle. It really has been great! I love Reed more and more every day and I am so blessed by his hard work and integrity. It's been fun seeing him as a new daddy, he does a great job!