I have had this post written for quite a while, and have just now had the patients to get the pictures uploaded. Over Thanksgiving Reed's sister came down with her family from Ohio. Kason and his cousin had fun playing and running a muck together at Grammy and Grampy's. There was lots of great food and it was awesome having Reed home so much! Kason is such a daddy's boy that we had a hard time when Reed went back to work all day. But, we are adjusting.
We have kind of a tradition of taking family pictures on Thanksgiving, we did it last year and the year before, so we took the opportunity to take some family pictures this year as well. Kason does not pose willingly for pictures, and when we ask him to smile ... well you can tell from a couple of the pictures what we get. So we had a hard time getting a very good one of all of us, (one of the best ones looks like Kason is picking his nose).
I love this picture of Kason and Reed. Kason loves his Dad so much, it's so fun to watch. When Reed is home Kason follows him around like a little shadow, doing whatever dad does. When Reed is not home, everything is "Daddy's?"

This last one is of my prego tummy (Kason felt that he needed to make a cameo, he already can't stand the spotlight on baby brother). I think the way my hands are makes it look more like a beer belly than a baby belly, but you get the idea. This was taken about a month ago and I have grown since then. I'm pretty sure I am bigger now than I was with Kason at six months...kind of a scary thought thinking back to how big I was with Kason at nine months. If I continue to grow at this rate I will need a wheel chair by then. I now have only 90 day left! And at the same time; I still have 90 days left! I have weird dreams about giving birth in bizarre places and under chaotic circumstances that just keep getting more vivid and unusual. With Kason I had lots of dreams about giving birth to a tiny little baby (like gummy bear size). Anyway, I love being pregnant and I love thinking about what my new little baby will be like. It's so exciting!