I love love summer! I love the heat and the sun. I love the way everything greens up and the sky blues up. I love all the fun to be had outdoors (although I am still working on fully appreciating what Virginia has to offer, besides the beach). I love BBQ, and evening walks. I love T-Shirts and flip flops. I love swimming and drying off in the sun. I the sand and the ocean. I love hiking and camping. I love vacations and road trips. I love it all! Each new summer brings a whole other level of enjoyment as I get to share all of the joys with my growing children and my loving husband! One thing I do love about VA is summer starts early!
We have already made a few trips to the beach. Kason and Harley willingly and gleefully help out on the way down to the beach. |
On the way back to the car at the end of the day, daddy does all of the work. |
This was Ella's first time to the beach and of coarse, she loved it! She had fun putting her toes in the sand and watching all of the kids run around. She is such a happy little soul, I feel blessed every day for her presence in our family. |
This trip to the beach was a little cold, but Harley didn't let that stop him from playing in the waves and getting soaking wet. Both Kason and Harley love to run out to the water and wait for a wave to come up, then run away screaming as it washes up on shore. I remember doing it when I was young and it fills my heart to watch my boys having so much fun with it as well. |
Ella is getting bigger and bigger everyday. She is so please whenever she can do something she has seen her brothers do. |
We washed the cars a couple of weeks ago and the boys had fun playing in the water. Love this boy's curly hair. It's getting really long and I keep thinking I should cut it short of the summer, but I just can't do it! |
They both thought they were pretty cool dudes in their sun glasses. Kason loves anything that is silly and Harley loves laughing at Kason. It is so fun to watch them when they get going. |
One of the new joys we get to be involved in this summer is Tball. We signed Kason up through the YMCA. He has had one practice and will have his first game this Saturday. Reed signed up to be the assistant coach, but ended up with the head coach job. He is doing a great job! It's fun to watch them both. Kason has a lot of enthusiasm and is very good at following directions and focusing on the game. We are so proud! |
Hurray for summer! |
Step and throw |
I love the this video. It's so funny to watch the kids. They all run for the ball as soon as it is hit and then have a little squabble until someone rises triumphant with the ball. Reed has some work to do teaching them baseball basics. I love Kason's little pose at the end after he hits the ball.